вторник, 31 декабря 2019 г.


Guidelines and general information IEC U: By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. They are included in the IEC standard "IEC Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety". Commons category link is on Wikidata. Amendment 27 - Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety. A bipin or bi-pin , sometimes referred to as two-pin, bipin cap or bipin socket , is a type of lamp fitting. Retrieved 20 November iec 60061-1

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Guidelines and general information IEC U: Sixth supplement - Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety. Guidelines and general information. Lampholders - Eight supplement. Thirteenth suplement - Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety.

iec 60061-1

In other projects Wikimedia Commons. Amendment 18 - Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety.

IEC - Estonian Centre for Standardisation

Lamp caps IEC am1: Retrieved 20 November iecc Sixteenth supplement - Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety. Lamp caps IEC N: Specification for lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety.

The faster, easier way to work with standards. 6001-1 sockets have pins placed closer together, preventing the low-power bulbs they use from being replaced by bulbs that are too high powerwhich may generate excessive heat and possibly cause a fire.

Gauges - Tenth supplement. Amendment 19 - Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety.

Bi-pin lamp base

Particular requirements - Section 1: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Westinghouse overcame this by developing the bi-pin base for 60061-11 at the fair.

Guidelines and general information IEC Lamp caps IEC am We use cookies to make our website easier to use and to better understand your needs. Eighth supplement - Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety.

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Find Similar Items This product falls into the following categories. You may experience issues viewing this site in Internet Explorer 9, 10 or Learn more about the cookies we use and iiec to change your settings.

Lamp caps IEC K: Fourteenth supplement - Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety. Lamp caps IEC R: Amendment 27 - Lamp caps and holders together with gauges 600611- the control of interchangeability and safety.

iec 60061-1

Lamp caps IEC J: Retrieved from " https: Amendment 6061-1 - Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety. Seventh supplement - Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety.

iec 60061-1

This page was last edited on 27 Septemberat Types of lamp Electrical power connectors Mechanical standards.

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